2019-12-09 19:10:40 UTC
Nowy język programowania tworzony przez Microsoft. Na razie nic więcej
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Project Verona, incorporates three core ideas:
Data-race freedom, which gives up concurrent, arbitrary mutation to
enable scalable memory management with temporal safety without global
Concurrent owners, which provides a new concurrency model that
offers lightweight, asynchronous coordination of resources.
Linear regions, with the ownership model based on groups of
objects. This differs from the memory-safe Rust language, which is based
on a single object, Microsoft explained. In Verona, there are memory
management strategies per region. Also featured is compartmentalization
for legacy components.
Linearne regiony: to moźe być coś nowego, może nie będzie tak
wymagającyjak kompilator Rusta? Ciekawe czy będzie miał RTTI i metaklasy?
nie wiadomo. Najwięcej jeszcze informacji znalazłem w
Project Verona, incorporates three core ideas:
Data-race freedom, which gives up concurrent, arbitrary mutation to
enable scalable memory management with temporal safety without global
Concurrent owners, which provides a new concurrency model that
offers lightweight, asynchronous coordination of resources.
Linear regions, with the ownership model based on groups of
objects. This differs from the memory-safe Rust language, which is based
on a single object, Microsoft explained. In Verona, there are memory
management strategies per region. Also featured is compartmentalization
for legacy components.
Linearne regiony: to moźe być coś nowego, może nie będzie tak
wymagającyjak kompilator Rusta? Ciekawe czy będzie miał RTTI i metaklasy?